www.nycjailvisitsettlement.com – Claim cash payment of $4,000 of $500


NYC Jail Visit Class Action Lawsuit

A mind-blowing 12 million dollar settlement has been proposed in the class action lawsuit entitled Grottano, et al. v. The City of New York, et al.,

You can file a claim at www.nycjailvisitsettlement.com.

The case is pending in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

All claims should be filed by 4/27/2020.

The settlement fairness hearing will take place on 2/6/2020.

Who should file a claim?

Individuals who attempted to visit an inmate at a New York City Department of Correction facility between Nov. 23, 2012, and Oct. 30, 2019, and were subject to an invasive search. Individuals who were arrested for the possession of contraband during a visit are not eligible unless a separate invasive search occurred during which they were not arrested. Invasive searches include: Any search of a visitor conducted by or at the direction of a Department of Correction employee which resulted in more than accidental or incidental exposure of or contact with a visitor’s breasts, genitals, or buttocks; Any search of a visitor conducted by or at the direction of a Department of Correction employee in which visitors are made to expose, remove, or display any feminine hygiene product they are wearing (pads, tampons, etc.). According to the settlement terms, invasive searches do NOT include: Examining a visitor’s seams and pockets; Touching the visitor’s skin at the shirt-sleeves and collar; Requiring that the visitor lift, raise, or adjust their clothing for visual inspection; A search of religious headwear and religious necklaces.

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NYC Jail Visit Investment Contact Information

  • Mail: NYC DOC Visitor Search Settlement RG/2 Claims Administration LLC P.O. Box 59479 Philadelphia, PA 19102-9479
  • Phone: (844) 979-7313
  • Email: NYCJailVisitSettlement@RG2claims.com

Class members do not need to hire a lawyer as they will be represented by Raymond Audain from NAACP LDF.

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