www.straighttalkswitch.com – Half Price Switch To Straight Talk Promotion

Straight Talk Switch

  • Obtain more details about switching a mobile phone plan to Straight Talk
  • Potential Straight Talk customer can check out their plans and view the details about how to make the switch
  • Straight Talk is a registered trademark of TracFone Wireless who are owned and operated by America Movil

The Straight Talk Switch promotion offers a $45 unlimited 30 day plan that includes talk, text, and data (the first 5GB of data will be at 4G LTE higher speeds than revert to 2G speeds once the customers has went through 5GB).  In order to obtain the 4G LTE speed the customer making the switch MUST have a 4G LTE capable device and 4G LTE SIM.  Other popular plans associated with the Straight Talk Switch promotion include:

  • $30 All You Need Plan (1500 Minutes Nationwide Talk, including calls to 411)
  • $60 Unlimited International Plan (this option is ideal for someone who travels to foreign countries on a regular basis)
  • $130 3 Month Unlimited Plan
  • $495 1 YEAR Unlimited Plan

Some of the better phones offered by Straight Talk include Galaxy S5, Pixi Charm LTE (4.5″ Touch Screen WITH Android 4.4), Optimus Dynamic II (free with a Straight Talk Plan), Pronto LTE, and the Galaxy Grand Prime (features a smooth 8 MP Camera).

Please note in order to take advantage of the Straight Talk Switch promotion the customer will have to verify that their current phone is compatible with Straight Talk.  If the phone in question is compatible the customer will then pick and buy a service plan (the plan kit will include the SIM card to make sure it will function on the Straight Talk wireless network).  The customer will then receive their activation kit in the mail and have the option to keep or change their current cell phone number.

Questions about the Straight Talk?

  • 1-877-430-CELL (2355) (for SIM and phone customers)
  • 1-877-430-CELL(2355) (for mobile Hotspot customers)
  • Members of the media should not call but email Media@TracFone.com

The Straight Talk corporate office can be reached via US Mail at: Straight Talk, Inc Attention: Executive Resolution Department 9700 NW 112th Avenue Miami, FL 33178.


  1. www.straighttalkswitch.com