Postal Experience RES
- Take a short survey regarding delivering a package/piece of mail from the United States Postal Service.
- All responses will help improve the postal delivery service in a given area.
The Postal Experience survey should take about 3 to 5 minutes to complete and should only be taken by the person who receives mail at the address where the given invitation postcard was delivered to receive optimal feedback. All information provided the US Postal Service will remain confidential and will not be shared with the customer’s mailman.
United States Postal Service
- A stuck in time U.S. government entity providing postal services for the citizens of the United States
- Headquartered in the historic L’Enfant Plaza in Washington, D.C.
- Employs a small army of federal workers numbering over 600 k
- The US Postal Service is required by law to serve all Americans, regardless of geography, at uniform price and quality
The United States Postal service is rivaled by UPS and FEDEX. Many US Congressman feel the postal service may be better of going the way of the dinosaur and letting the private sector handle mail delivery (which is becoming a thing of the past with today’s technology). The only problems with getting rid of USPS would be the job loss and the time it would take to provide a substitute, BUT many in the industry feel like it is worth it.