www.my.blueprintforwellness.com Quest Diagnostics – Biometric Screening Registration

My Blue Print For Wellness

  1. Enter a registration key to sign up or returning users can sing in with their Blue Print For Wellness username
  2. Blueprint for Wellness is considered a health risk identification solution and education tool offered by a given employer in association with Quest Diagnostics

The My Blue Print for Wellness tool is designed to provide the users with a “snap shot” of the overall health through a variety of questions and tools.  The entire check my health process takes about 15 minutes to complete and include a lipid and glucose test.  These test will help determine a person’s health through “Good” Cholesterol vs  “Bad” Cholesterol.  Bad Cholesterol can wreak havoc on one’s health through narrowing of the arteries and blood clots.

Blueprint for Wellness Fine Notes

  • Employers will provide employees with a sign up packets so they can register for the program using a registration key
  • Any issues with sign up can be directed to the Wellness Customer Support Center at 1-866-908-9440
  • Employers WILL NOT have access to employees medical records
  • Quest Diagnostics has about 2,000 (give or take) Patient Service Centers nationwide that may be accessed for by My Blue Print for health users for screening purposes
  • Some screening programs will require the user to fast for 24 hours
  • My Blue Print defines biometric measurements as a persons height, weight, body mass index (BMI), and blood pressure although some medical experts consider weight size to be a determination in biometrics
  • Body Mass Index aka BMI is one of the top ways to determine a person health
  • All test results will be available to the user under his/her Blueprint account
  • Any issues with the Blueprint for Wellness tests should be brought the attention of the users physician ASAP

Quest Diagnostics is a clinical lab /diagnostic testing service provider with revenues over 7 billion US Dollars.  The firm is headquartered at 3 Giralda Farms, Madison, NJ 07940 and was founded by the legendary Paul Brown.


  1. www.my.blueprintforwellness.com Quest Diagnostics