Meijer MPerks
- Sing up or sign in to the Meijer MPerks coupon promotion online
- In order to sign up for the “mperks” program customers will be required to provide a valid phone number
It is estimated that frequent Meijer customers will save over 15% annually through the “MPERKS” promotional coupon program and any questions about the program can be directed to 1-877-E-MEIJER or by US Mail via Meijer | 2929 Walker Ave., NW | Grand Rapids, MI 49544-9424.
MPerks News & Notes
- When making a purchase at the Meijer self check out please press the “mPerks” button at the bottom of the screen
- After entering the members mPerks number enter the mPerks PIN number at the credit card reader
- MPerks customers can enter the information online if they forget to at the time of check out
- A receipt can only be remediate one time
- Members must allow for 24 hours before entering the receipt information into the mPerks web page
- Online manual MPerks submissions MUST be made within 90 days of the purchase or they will become void
- The form can be used to submit up to 3 receipts per calendar month
- All discounts associated with a MPerks transaction will appear at the bottom of the Meijer receipt
- Offers a Meijer Mobile App that can be used in combination with the coupon clipping program
- ALL digital receipts can be located under the “Shopping Tools” section in the users account online
- To receive a copy of all Meijer digital receipts via email please check the “Email Digital Receipts” box
It should be noted that customers/members needing assistance with the account update process should speak with a Meijer customer care agent at 1-800-962-7011 daily from 7:00 AM EST – 1:00 AM EST. Clipped Coupons and Earned Rewards can be viewed from the customer “wallet” tab within their MPerks online account.
Meijer Inc is a high-end, highly profitable (over $15 billion dollars in revenue in 2014) American hypermarket chain headquartered at 2929 Walker Ave, Grand Rapids, MI 49544.