Tough Mess Test
- Enter from now until May 16, 2015 to win a trip to 2015 Race (the “Race”) in Sonoma, California
- The grand prize winner will be allowed to invite one guest and MUST be able to attend “THE RACE” between June 27 to June 29
The Tough Mess Test promotion is sponsored by Kimberly-Clark Global Sales and The Clorox Company. The promotion is open to all legal residents in the United States who are 18 years of age or older at the time of entry. The official starting date and ending date (aka the contest period) for the TOUGH MESS TEST promotion is defined as April 19, 2015 12:01 AM CT and ends May 16, 2015, 11:59 PM CT.
VIVA and Clorox Video Contest Rules and Regs
- Contestants will be required to enter a video which will be 30 seconds in length
- All videos over 30 seconds will be disqualified
- Videos MUST be submitted in the following formats: .WMV, .AVI, .MOV, and .MPG file formats
- The trip will consist of a 3-days/2-nights double occupancy hotel accommodation stay
- The winner will be provided $500 spending cash to be used at “the race” in Sonoma
- If winner lives within 250 miles of Race, ground transportation may be substituted in lieu of air travel
- Total prize package associated with the Tough Mess Test promotion checks in at $9,670
For all the non winners! A “winners list” can be requested by writing to: VIVA Video Contest Winners, P. O. Box 735, North Branford, CT 06471. Please make sure the request is postmarked prior to 5/16/15. It should be noted that Chip Ganassi Racing Team, Chip Ganassi Racing with Felix Sabates, and Target Company are not part of the Tough Mess Test promotion.
Clorox Business Profile
- Consumer household product company
- Founded in 1913 by 5 businessman but under the head command of Archibald Taft
- Employs more than 7000 people and annual revenues over 5 billion US Dollars
Clorox is headquartered at 1221 Broadway Oakland, CA 9461 and the corporate office can be reached by phone at 510-271-7000.