login my account – Renew Application Benefits

Compass GA GOV Renew My Benefits

  1. Georgia’s COMPASS (Common Point of Access to Social Services) website is the State’s one stop portal for applying for public assistance benefits and managing any that you are currently receiving.
  2. The service also qualify as the point of contact for Georgia Department of Human Services Partners and Providers of public assistance benefits. It is the only authorized website to apply for public benefits in Georgia.
  3. Only residents in the state of Georgia can claim these benefits.

People living in Georgia can determine if they are eligible for public assistance benefits through the COMPASS website. The public benefits that can be applied for are food stamps, low or no-cost health care, home energy assistance, cash assistance, child care assistance, mental health services, substance abuse services, child support enforcement and assistance, aging services, Women and Infant Care, and homelessness prevention. It takes approximately 15 minutes to review the household size, income, and living expenses.

All information provided is secure and confidential.  Online applications for each of the numerous public assistance benefits are made though COMPASS. The website will automatically take you through each application you are eligible to apply for and submit it to the Department of Human Services for processing. You will be provided a user ID and password for logging onto COMPASS to check the status of any submitted applications or need further information before they can be submitted. After applications have been processed and benefits have been extended, you can check your benefits with COMPASS using the same login information.

Compass GA Contact Points?

  • General renewal information can be obtained by calling (866) 632-9992
  • Georgia Department of Community Health’s Office of Program Integrity local 404-463-7590 OR toll-free at 800-533-0686
  • Residents needing to fax documents in to the state can do so by sending them to (404)-651-6815

Who provides the funding for the Georgia food stamp and unemployment services?

  • Taxpayers (federal and state)
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service
  • Illegal Imigrants as they pay taxes too but not as much as they should

Organizations that want to register with the Department of Human Services to become community partners or providers can do so through the COMPASS website. A registered COMPASS community partner will inform Georgia residents about the types of benefits available, determine eligibility and assist customers with the application process. The online registration process requires corporate documents and about 10 minutes.