- Access a LA CAFE customer account online
- Operated byDepartment of Children & Family Services
- Please note the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) is provided by the Louisiana Department of Education’s CAFE LDE
The DCFS LA CAFE service provide online access to state operated social services to include Food Stamps, Family Independence Temporary Assistance Program, Kinship Care Subsidy Program (KCSP), or Child Support Enforcement Services. Users can check the status of an application or check the status of a Child Support Enforcement Application Fee payment. In order to access any of the services offered via the DCFS LA CAFE web page the customer will have to sign in with a username and password (those who are new will have to register with a valid email address). The most popular services provided by LA CAFE is the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) which provides assistance to down on their luck families to help pay for the child care, school, or training in order for them to gain a few steps up the economic ladder (these services are provided by the Louisiana Department of Education). After the customer has created an LA CAFE account they can visit the “My Account” tab in order to apply for benefits, check the status of a payment, or submit a report. A LA CAFE account will also allow the customer to view notifications in regards to certain Benefits/Services, report changes that may affect the customers Benefits/Services or update personal information online (i.e. address, phone number).
- Only available to legal residents of Louisiana
- CAFE is an acronym that stands for Common Access Front End
- Any questions in regards to the LA 225-342-6700 between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 PM Monday through Friday (the LA CAFE call center is closed for business of Federal Holidays and weekend)
- Users can also reach out to LA CAFE via email at dcfs.webmaster@la.gov