www.chevroletdealershipsurvey.com – Chevrolet Customer Feedback

Chevrolet Dealership Survey

  1. Customers can take the  short Chevrolet Online Dealership Survey the User ID and Password received by the dealership
  2. The survey will ask a variety of questions in relation to the Chevrolet Dealership and the auto purchased

The Chevrolet Dealership Survey will take about 2 to 3 minutes to complete and all information provided during the course of the survey will be sent to the manager of the Chevrolet dealership in question.

Chevrolet aka Chevy is a Division of the General Motors Company and market automobiles such as the Colorado (truck), Camaro (sports car), Volt (think green liberal), Corvette (high-end sports car), Spark and the Tahoe (high-end SUV).

General Motors Corporate Profile

  • Major Player in the Auto Manufacturer industry (builds, designs, and sells cars)
  • Founded on September 16, 1908 and headquartered at 300 Renaissance Center, Detroit, MI 48265 (aka the Motor City)
  • Has over 200,000 full-time employees and listed on the New York Stock Exchange under ticker GM
  • Major holders of the firms stock include Harris Associates L.P., Investment Company Of America and Vanguard
  • 0% of GM Stock is owned by insiders and about 70% is owned by Institutional & Mutual Funds

General Motors has seen it fair share of ups and downs over the years i.e. GM led global auto sales for 77 consecutive years from 1931 through 2007 (UP) BUT then Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the summer of 2009 (DOWN).  The firms future is still in question but the US Government is determined to help it through the tough times.


  1. www.chevroletdealershipsurvey.com
  2. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors