www.MercedesBenzSeatHeaterSettlement.com – Fie Claim Heater Settlement

Mercedes/Benz Heater Settlement

  • Class members are defined as anyone who owned a Mercedes-Benz model year 2000-2007 M-Class (aka ML-Class), model year 2006-2007 R-Class, and model year 2007 GL-Class vehicles with original-equipment seat heaters
  • MercedesBenzSeatHeaterSettlement.com is administered by Epiq Systems Inc.
  • This class action lawsuit also includes consumers who leased one of these Mercedes autos

The Mercedes Benz Heater Settlement is pending in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California and is listed as case number 8:14­-cv-­02011.  The court has approved a 54 million dollar settlement pot in Elizabeth Callaway, et al. v. Mercedes-­Benz USA LLC, et al.  Class members who are not happy with the 54 million dollar settlement can always attend the fairness hearing on 3/5/2018 to explain why the settlement is not fair and reasonable.  The court approved the settlement on Sept. 18, 2017 and class members have until 1/12/18 to file an objection.

Those who wish to file a claim form must do so by 1/12/18 in order to receive a settlement payout.  Class members who file valid claims will receive cash reimbursements for past repairs to the seat heater, or receive partial payment for future repairs.  Those who do not file a claim will lose all benefits associated with Elizabeth Callaway, et al. v. Mercedes-­Benz USA LLC, et al.

www.MercedesBenzSeatHeaterSettlement.com Contact Information

  • Mail: Mercedes/Benz Heater Settlement, c/o Epiq Systems Inc., PO Box 2730, Portland, OR 97208-2730
  • Email: info@MercedesBenzSeatHeaterSettlement.com
  • Phone: Not Found

Class members who do file claims will be represented by Jason M. Frank and Scott H. Sims from the law firm of FRANK SIMS & STOLPER LLP, John Patrick McNicholas from the law firm of MCNICHOLAS & MCNICHOLAS LLP, and the legendary Eric F. Yuhl and Colin A. Yuhl from the law firm of YUHL CARR LLP.

Mercedes Benz USA has hired Troy M. Yoshino and Eric J. Knapp from the law firm of SQUIRE PATTON BOGGS (US) LLP.


  1. www.MercedesBenzSeatHeaterSettlement.com