Juke Box Settlement
- Learn more (and file a claim) in relation to the class action lawsuit named Cline, et al. v. TouchTunes Music Corp.
- JukeBoxSettlement.com is administered by JND Legal Administration
- A fairness hearing will take place on or around 5/2/18
The Juke Box class action lawsuit is listed as case number 1:14-cv-04744-LAK, and is pending review in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.
Class members in the case are defined as anyone in the US who purchased a song through the TouchTunes mobile app between May 30, 2010 and Oct. 28, 2013 but the song was not played because it was skipped by a person using a TouchTunes remote control in conjunction with a TouchTunes jukebox. Class members further claim that TouchTunes fails to notify its customers about these conditions and fails to refund money paid for songs that never got played.
TouchTunes Music Corp. denies any actions of wrong doing but have agreed to settle in order to avoid further court litigation that could come with a hefty price tag.
www.JukeBoxSettlement.com Notes
- Each Class Member can receive no more than one credit, regardless of the number of requested songs that were skipped
- Class members who would like to exclude themselves from the settlement have until 4/6/18 to do so
- TouchTunes does not admit any of the plaintiffs’ claims by entering into the settlement
Class members who file valid claims will be represented by Jeffrey M. Norton from the law firm of NEWMAN FERRARA LLP while TouchTunes Music Corp. has hired Jamie A. Levitt from the law firm of MORRISON & FOERSTER LLP.
Any questions in regards to the Juke Box settlement must be directed to toll free 1-888-551-9701 or send an email to: JukeboxSettlement@jndla.com. Class members who would like to file a claim by mail should send it to: TouchTunes Jukebox Settlement, c/o JND Legal Administration, P.O. Box 7118, Broomfield, CO 80021.
- www.jukeboxsettlement.com
- Juke Box Settlement Claim Form