www.jdpoweronline.com/vqs – Vehicle Quality Survey

JD Power Online VQS

  • Take a survey related to an automobile and will measure the quality of the vehicle
  • The site is powered by J.D. Power and Associates & McGraw Hill Financial
  • JDPowerOnline/VQS is ideal to help the consumer determine which car is right for them when making a purchase

The consumer will be asked a variety of performance-related question in regards to the automobile in question and the answers will be used to help determine the rating of a specific automobile by JD Power.


Visit www.JDPowerOnline/VQS to start the survey.

Generally speaking, this survey is an ideal tool to help the consumer determine which car is right for them when making a purchase.

Like surveys? Check out KubotaSurvey.com.

www.JDPowerOnline/VQS Notes

  • Will take about 5 minutes to complete
  • All feedback will be kept confidential
  • Survey answers will help improve vehicle services

McGraw Hill Financial Corporate Profile

  • Information and analytics firm
  • Headquartered at 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020
  • Founded in 1917

JDPowerOnline Customer Service

  • Headquarters 3200 Park Center Drive 13th Floor Costa Mesa, CA 92626
  • Phone 1-714-621-6200
  • Toll Free 1-888-477-5372

The feedback also provides a way in which to rank auto companies and drive competition and improvement.

JD Powers is a business unit (aka subsidy) of McGraw Hill Financial.

www.jdpoweronline/vqs 2020 or www jdpoweronline com vrss

  • All feedback will help improve the service of the car salesman
  • A coupon or reward is not available
  • A sweepstakes entry may be available depending on the purchase

Any questions in regards to JDPowerOnline.com/VQS can be directed to toll free 1-88-477-5372 between the hours of 8 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday.


  1. www.jdpoweronline.com/vqs