Flue Cured Tobacco Settlement
- A class action settlement has been reached in Speaks v. U.S. Tobacco Cooperative, Inc., which was pending in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina
- This class action lawsuit is listed as case number 5:12-CV-729-D
- A whooping $24 million settlement pool has been established to pay class members who file valid claims and their lawyer(s)
FlueCuredTobaccoSettlement.com provides the claim form. Class members contend that U.S. Tobacco accumulated funds over the years that should be distributed to members and that they did not act fair in regards to their members interest in the firm. Class members who are not happy with the $24 million dollar settlement can opt out of the settlement by December 20, 2017. Flue Cured Tobacco Settlement class members who elect to opt out will not be eligible to receive any distribution from the 24 million dollar settlement fund.
www.FluedCuredTobaccoSettlement.com Notes
- A settlement fairness hearing will take place on or around January 19, 2018
- Class members are required to pay taxes on any settlement amount received as a result of Speaks v. U.S. Tobacco Cooperative, Inc.
- All claim forms must be filed before 5/26/18
- Claims forms can be filed online or via US mail
- Class members will have to file as group 1 or group 2
- The exact amount of money any one class members will receive is not yet known
FluedCuredTobaccoSettlement.com Contact Information
- Mail: Settlement Claims Administrator – 5773, PO Box 2612, Faribault, MN 55021-9612
- Phone: 866-458-3207
- Email: Not found
Class members who file valid claim will be represented by Gary K. Shipman and William G. Wright (from the law firm of Shipman & Wright, LLP) and Leo Daughtry and Kelly Daughtry (from the law firm of Daughtry, Woodard, Lawrence & Starling, LLP).
When filing a claim in regards to the Flue Cured Tobacco Settlement class members will need to include their name, phone and best time of the day to call, and email address.
- www.fluecuredtobaccosettlement.com
- fluecuredtobaccosettlement.com/mainpage/FileAClaim