THC Marketing Settlement
- Obtain more details in regards to the class action lawsuit entitled In Re Honest Marketing Litigation which is pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York
- Class members have a problem with the way that the Honest Company advertised and marketed certain products
- The Honest Company denies any actions of wrong doing but have agreed to a $7.35 million dollar settlement in order to avoid the unknown expense of a trial is administered by the Honest Marketing Litigation Settlement c/o Claims Administrator
who is based at 1801 Market Street, Suite 660 Philadelphia, PA 19103 (they can be reached via email at All claim forms associated with In Re Honest Marketing Litigation must be filed no later than 10/23/17. Class members state “The Honest Company engaged in unfair and deceptive marketing practices through the labeling and advertising of certain products”. Experts close to the case expect each class member who files a timely claim will receive around $25. Terms
- Class members without a receipt can file a claim for up to 10 purchases at $2.50
- Class members with a receipt can file an unlimited amount of claims but must provide a receipt for each claim
- Class members do not have to hire a lawyer as the US District Court of Southern New York has already assigned lawyers to the case
- Class members do not have to pay the lawyers as they will receive a slice of the $7 million dollar settlement
List of products associated with the Honest Marketing Litigation Lawsuit?
- 3-in-l Laundry Packs
- 3-in-l Facial Towelettes
- Air + Fabric Freshener
- Auto Dishwasher Gel
- Bar Soap
- Bathroom Cleaner
- Bathroom Cleaner Concentrate
- Bathtime Gift Set
- Bubble Bath
- Conditioner
- Conditioning Detangler
- Deodorant
- Diapers
- Discovery Set
- Dish Soap
- Dishwasher Packs
- Dryer Cloths
- Essentials Gift Bundle
- Essentials Bundles
- Face + Body Lotion
- Floor Cleaner
- Floor Cleaner Concentrate
- Foaming Hand Soap
- Fruit + Veggie Wash
- Glass + Window Cleaner
- Glass + Window Cleaner Concentrate
- Hand Sanitizer Gel
- Hand Sanitizer Spray
- Hand Soap
- Housewarming Gift Set
- Kids’ Toothpaste
- Laundry Detergent
- Mouthwash
- Multi-Surface Cleaner
- Multi-Surface Cleaner Concentrate
- Nesting Gift Set
- Oxy Boost
- Rinse Aid
- Shampoo + Body Wash
- Soothing Bottom Wash
- Stain Remover
- Stain Remover Concentrate
- SPF 30 Sunscreen
- Toilet Cleaner
- Toothpaste
- Wet Mopping Pads
- Wipes
- Wipes – Travel Packs