Summit Pizza West Settlement
- Obtain the dirty details in regards to the class action lawsuit entitled Manner v. Summit Pizza West LLC, which is pending in the Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Diego
- The Defendant Summit Pizza West, LLC has denied any actions of wrong doing but have agreed to settle in order to avoid the unknown cost associated with a trial
- The Summit Pizza West Settlement is listed as case number 37-2015-5909-CU-MC-CTL class members are defined as anyone who purchased a pizza (or any other food items) from the Defendant’s Pizza Hut Locations in California from February 20, 2014 through March 13, 2015 and had their personal information recorded when paying with a credit card. Class members who file timely claims will receive a coupon voucher with a value of $6.99 each. A fairness hearing already took place in the Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Diego. Notes
- A must file class action lawsuit for Pizza Hut fan boys looking for a coupon voucher
- The coupon voucher cannot be combined with any other promotional items
- The Lawsuit alleges that Defendant violated California Civil Code section 1747.08 by requesting and recording personal identification information from customers in its California stores who paid for carry-out purchases with a personal credit card
- The deadline to file a claim is 9/19/2017 (this date may be extended)
- Examples of Pizza Hut locations included in this class action lawsuit are as follows: San Marcos (1915 W. San Marcos Blvd., Ste. 100), Avocado (1255 Avocado Blvd., Ste. 101), Rancho Penasquitos (9888 Carmel Mountain Rd., Ste. J), and Imperial Beach (IB) (1808 Coronado Ave.)
- The Pizza Hut settlement voucher cannot be redeemed for cash or any other promotional items Contact Info
- Mail: Manner v. Summit Pizza West LLC, c/o Kurtzman Carson Consultants, P.O. Box 43488, Providence, RI 02940-3488
- Phone: 844-456-3638
- Email: