www.rda.twc.com – Time Warner Cable Connect Services


  • Access TW Go to Assist services
  • Requires a 9 digit code
  • Powered by GotoAssist Corporate

The RDA TWC GoToAssist service requires a 9 digit code in order to being.  This 9 digit code can be secured from the users TW representative.  Please note that by providing the 9 digit code and clicking accept the end user agrees to the following:

By clicking the button below you agree to give authorized Time Warner Cable personnel permission to access your personal computer through a remote connection. You also agree to give authorized Time Warner Cable personnel permission to make necessary changes to your personal computer in order to resolve the issue at hand.” – gotoassist.com/sb/twc

Time Warner

  • New York City based media company
  • Founded in 1990
  • Considered the third largest entertainment company on the globe

Time Warner Inc can be found on the New York Stock Exchange under ticker symbol TWX.  Major owners of TWX stock include Allianz Asset Management AG, Vanguard, and Massachusetts Financial Services Co..  The Times Warner corporate office is based at One Time Warner Center New York, NY 10019 United States and can be reached via phone by calling 212-484-8000 (please do not call this number in regards to the the RDA TWC online service).


  1. www.rda.twc.com