Equifax Credit Report Assistance
- Get free or discounted credit protection products from Equifax
- These products are a must for consumers who lose sleep at night worrying about identity theft
- Equifax reserves the right to modify or terminate the terms of this promotion at any point in time
Equifax.com/CreditReportAssistance is operated by Equifax Inc.. The consumer must be 18 years of age and a legal resident of the US in order to use any programs under the Equinox credit report assistance promotion. Any questions in regards to this promotion can be directed to Equinox at 1-800-685-1111.
www.Equifax.com/CreditReportAssistance Promotional Products
- Free Credit Report: Under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act Equifax must provide the consumer with a free credit report every 12 months (consumers can also receive a free credit report after a denial of credit)
- Create a Dispute: Equinox will start an investigation on the customers behalf if they feel their credit score is inaccurate due to an error (after the dispute has been filed Equinox will keep the customer updated via EMAIL)
- Set up Fraud or Active Duty Alert Services: An active duty alert informs lenders and other creditors that the customer is on activate military status. Fraud alerts inform lenders that the consumer may be a victim of fraud (an Extended Fraud Alert offers the same protection over a longer period of time (up to 7 years) but requires additional documentation from legal or law enforcement authorities)
- Place a Security Freeze: Will freeze the consumers credit report against improper activity (those who think they may be a victim of identity theft, placing a freeze on their credit report may be one of the first steps to take to avoid further damage)
please note customers can also file a dispute by mail at MailEquifax Information Services, LLC, P.O. Box 740256, Atlanta GA 30348, or by phone by calling: 866 349-5191.